ID SOL PROJECTS SRL was established in 2014 in Bucharest
with a precise mission: offering our clients the highest level of quality in construction at a fair and competitive price, complying with all safety standards and regulations in the construction field.
Over time, we have done construction work and commercial space arrangements for shops, terraces, bars, but also civil construction works for holiday homes and pensions.
Because no project resembles another, we chose excellenge as a common denominator for our projects. We adapt perfectly to the customers' requirements and we abide by the company's slogan
'' we build above all else'' .
Prin gama de servicii puse la dispoziţia clienţilor şi partenerilor noştri, cuprinzând toată seria de lucrări de amenajări spaţii industriale, comerciale, construcţii civile, lucrări de instalaţii, proiectare si executie a sistemelor de instalatii in domeniul securitatii la incendiu, mentenanta, servicii de consultanta in vederea obtinerii autorizatiei IGSU, ID SOL PROJECTS urmărește în mod constant cerințele pieței și vizează mulțumirea clienților pentru fiecare proiect.